Health Experts Want You to Eat Tilapia: Here’s Why

The results are in! Health experts agree that Tilapia is a quality addition to any heart-healthy diet. Despite a lot of misinformation spreading about Tilapia, responsibly-raised Tilapia makes a great choice for anyone, including expectant mothers and those watching their weight. This protein-rich fish is packed full of essential minerals—including calcium, phosphorus and potassium—and may even be a key ingredient in fighting heart disease and other serious conditions. So how exactly does Tilapia stand out from the crowd?

Tilapia is an Essential Mineral One-Stop Shop

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, Tilapia contains significant amounts of potassium, calcium and phosphorous. In fact, a single 100 gram serving of Tilapia contains 302 milligrams of potassium per serving as well as 170 milligrams of phosphorus. Additionally, a 4-ounce serving of Tilapia provides 11.3% of the recommended daily intake of calcium.

Why all the fuss about these minerals? Calcium and potassium aid in supporting strong teeth and bones, not to mention preventatively fighting against osteoporosis. Phosphorous is the unsung hero of bone health, with this mineral collaborating with calcium to build strong skeletons. Potassium is also crucial for mental sharpness, so much so that a shortage of it can cause brain fog.

Tilapia Can Help You Maintain a Healthy Weight

When was the last time one of those fad diets actually stuck? Atkins, South Beach, Master Cleanse—we’ve seen them all come and go. What’s here to stay is taking stock of what your body needs more of and incorporating that into your diet, all while scaling back on empty calories.

Tilapia is much lower in fat per serving than meat products, and studies have shown it can help in weight control. Plus, with its mild flavor, Tilapia is the perfect low fat, high protein powerhouse to incorporate into any dish, meaning the recipe possibilities are endless.

Tilapia Can Help Lower Your Risk For Heart Disease

According to the Center for Disease Control, the leading cause of death for both men and women is heart disease. Heart disease can have many contributing factors, but among them is a diet too high in saturated fats, which raises cholesterol, increasing risk for heart disease and stroke.

Eating Tilapia on a regular basis can help. It is notably lower in saturated fats, and the omega-3 fatty acids it contains can help lower triglycerides, which can cause fatty liver disease and pancreatitis when found in highly concentrated amounts. The American Heart Association also recommends eating two servings or roughly 7 ounces of fish each week to help reduce your risk for heart disease.

Looking to keep your brain at peak functioning, reduce your risk for serious disease and hit it out of the park with essential minerals? Health experts agree that Tilapia is a great choice for achieving your healthy lifestyle goals. If you want to see the incredible impact Tilapia can have on your health, try eating seafood once a day for a week and experience the difference that a lean protein diet can have on your general well-being.

Learn more about the health benefits of fish in How Eating Tilapia Helps You Lose Fat and Gain Muscle.

Photo Credits: Regal Springs

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