8 Protein-Boosting Foods to Eat During Lent

Lent is a 40-day tradition in the Christian calendar that requires followers to fast every Friday for six weeks as well as on Ash Wednesday. While this doesn’t mean that those celebrating Lent have to abstain from eating entirely, there’s one thing they can’t eat: meat. Because of this, it might seem like there are little to no options for protein during this time of the year. However, Lent is a great time to explore other (tasty) forms of protein that are likely to work their way into your diet post-Lent too. Here are eight protein-boosting foods you should be eating during this important observance.

Meat isn’t the only answer to your protein prayers. There are a plethora of healthy foods that will give you the energy you need all day long, and the eight we listed are just the tip of the iceberg! Try incorporating them into new recipes and let us know what you discover.

Feature Image: Juan José Valencia Antía

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