4 Low-Calorie Treats That Will Beat the Heat

When the sun is shining and the weather is muggy, it can be tempting to reach for an ice cream cone, a milkshake or a Popsicle to beat the heat. However, these treats are often filled with empty calories, fat and sugar. Why not try a healthier alternative to your favorite summer snacks? You may find you’re even more refreshed after one of these healthy treats, and since they contain healthy ingredients, you don’t have to feel guilty if you reach for another!

Real Iced Tea

A cold glass of sweet tea may make for a satisfying drink on a hot day, but you may be surprised just how much sugar it contains! For a healthier twist, try icing your favorite herbal, green or black tea and skipping the sugar. Not only does this option have zero calories, but the true taste of the tea will really shine through. If you simply must have a bit of sweetness in your tea, try stirring in a teaspoon of honey.

Healthy Smoothies

Are milkshakes your go-to cool down treat? Try swapping your shake for an ice-cold smoothie! Smoothies are a great way to get several servings of fruit in a single snack or breakfast and they can be customized in myriad ways to suit your flavor preferences. To make a smoothie, simply combine your favorite frozen fruit in a blender with a banana, some ice cubes, water and milk or a milk alternative. For an extra boost, you can add chia seeds, flax seeds or a vitamin powder.

Frozen Yogurt Popsicles

Looking for an alternative to sugar-filled Popsicle treats that you buy at the store? Try making your own frozen yogurt Popsicles at home. All you need to do is put your favorite flavor of yogurt in a Popsicle mould, place it in the freezer and then enjoy once the yogurt is completely frozen. For an extra burst of flavor, place a few berries in each mould along with the yogurt.

Infused Water

If you’ve ever been to the spa, you’ve probably had a cool, refreshing glass of infused water. This water is actually extremely easy to make and will make you feel like you’re in a spa oasis in the comfort of your own home! Simply add your favorite fruits, herbs or veggies to a large pitcher of ice water and let it sit for a few hours so the flavors infuse the water. Some of our favorite infused water combinations are strawberry, cucumber and basil; grapefruit, blackberry and rosemary; and watermelon and mint.

On those hot summer days when you just need a break from the heat, nothing is more refreshing than an ice cold, healthy treat. Next time you’re getting overwhelmed by the heat, whip up one of these simple treats, sit back in the shade, and relax!

Image Credits: JeniFoto / Shutterstock.com, Elena Veselova / Shutterstock.com, Pexels, JeniFoto / Shutterstock.com, WDnet Studio

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